Our Solutions That Drive Real Results. 

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Candidate Applications

An online retailer required a solution to improve the quality and quantity of drivers required for the delivery of products to end customers. The client had an existing recruitment system used companywide but had shortcomings in respect of handling the huge volumes of potential driver candidates. 

A mobile web solution was designed and implemented which allowed an applicant to complete an application online and to immediately digitize supporting documents through the mobile interface, which included Identification documents or passports, work permits, Vehicle License information, Driver's License information and proof of address documentation. 

Candidate Interview Management

Candidate applications from previous solution, were then presented to staff to verify data captured against document images uploaded and approve or reject a candidate. 

The pool of approved candidates are then allocated to geographical hubs where drivers were required, for interview scheduling. 

A link to Interview slots allocated are sent via  SMS to candidates for them to select preferred interview dates, or to request interview rescheduling or application cancellation on the mobile device. 

A response to an interview slot offered in turn triggered a workflow, which creates the interview appointment in the company HR system, on 
the Hub recruiters’ calendar and emails the prospective candidate providing details of the interviewer, location and time of interview.

Employee Onboarding

Peak periods results in a large amount of administrative activity when seasonal workers are required for (as an example) the festive season. Documentation needed to be collected from potential employees and employment contracts produced if the employee was hired.

A solution was designed and implemented to scan the prospective candidate’s identity documents, complete questionnaires relating to health and safety regulations, employee training, and personal particulars. A successful candidate triggered a workflow that produced digital contracts, and documents related to 
onboarding, which were then digitally signed by the employer and employee using a mobile device.

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